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The Backstory Behind the Mina CommUnity Climate Column and Initiative

Updated: May 27

Earth projection

A Call to Climate Action


My dedication to environmentalism and climate advocacy didn’t form overnight. There’s a backstory with a progressive journey filled with pivotal moments, fond memories, loss, threats of loss, and more – all of which contributed toward my personal need to act and join the climate movement. My intention for chronicling these experiences is to present an open honest narrative conveying my life-long call to action, my commitment to the climate movement, and my determination to help drive change.

California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios.
California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios.

Growing up in San Francisco in the 70s, I remember visiting my favorite museum in Golden Gate Park often – the California Academy of Sciences. One occasion stood out, when my first-grade class was invited to the museum to tour behind the exhibit tanks at Steinhart Aquarium – an extension of the California Academy of Sciences. Glimpses of that day are still fixed in my mind. Everything water related caught my attention; Jacque Cousteau documentaries, even the Greenpeace Save the Seals advocacy campaign left an impression.

While I’ve always been proud of my San Francisco roots, my devotion to environmentalism also stems from ties with the Hawaiian Islands. Visiting family on Kauai over the years and briefly living on Oahu with my grandmother as a child, instilled precious memories and an avid appreciation for the natural world. Beautiful memories of time spent in the islands with family overshadows the challenging times that came following two natural disasters. In the 80s, lava flow from the Kilauea volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii covered my maternal grandmother’s parcel of land, stripping away her dream of retiring in the islands. And in 1992, the category 4 Hurricane Iniki that devastated Kauai, destroyed the home and business of close family, forcing them to start over. The overflowing love and compassion I have for these family members derives from the years the elders helped raise me as a child back in San Francisco. Despite my not being present when the disasters they endured occurred, I saw how the course of their lives were uprooted and changed forever and share their heartbreak.

When I started considering college in the late 80s, I was interested in Marine Biology. But as my passion for the arts (especially dance) intensified – and I started recognizing my strengths and weaknesses, my career ambitions veered in a creative direction. I continued to train in dance through college, while pursuing Journalism and Mass Communications, and met my husband during that time. By 1997, I started working for an alternative newspaper and received my bachelor’s degree that same year.

San Diego skyline from Point Loma. Photo by Mina Rios.
San Diego skyline from Point Loma. Photo by Mina Rios.

In 1998, my husband was offered a job in San Diego. We took one weekend visit and were immediately enamored of the region. Swooned by the beaches, the lower cost of living, and the schools and opportunities our kids would have there, we couldn't resist. From ‘98 – ‘04, we lived in the east foothills of Mission Valley, before moving west near Mission Bay thru mid 2012.

But in 2003, San Diego underwent an unexpected wake-up call to the frightening effects of a warming planet. The Cedar Fire that October, spiraled out of control when severely dry conditions and Santa Ana winds drove the fire into highly populated communities, destroying homes and businesses, and taking some lives. For over a week, the city and county of San Diego became unrecognizable amid empty streets and apocalyptic neon-orange and grey skies filled with toxic smoke and falling ash.


The summer of 2005 was another standout year when heatwaves started to lengthen over days and weeks throughout California. That year I made frequent road trips from San Diego to Sacramento on the I-5 to visit my sick grandmother, during what was a highly unusual, three week long heatwave. Many were unprepared. Hardest hit were farmworkers; four of which lost their lives to heat exhaustion and dehydration that summer. I recall this period clearly because this extreme weather event occurred the same summer my maternal grandmother lost her battle with colon cancer.


Almond orchard in the Central Valley. Photo by Mina Rios.
My inlaws' almond orchard in the Central Valley. Photo by Mina Rios.

During those sweltering, summer road trips through the central valley in 2005, after visiting my grandmother, I would stop to visit my mother and father-in-law at their ranch, just north of Fresno. Those memories with my in-laws were special. Their hospitality was such a welcome comfort during that difficult time. I also remember taking long walks around their seven-acre ranch after sundown. The solitude I experienced within that pictorial space – abundant with fruit trees and an almond orchard, provided the calm I needed. I also recall the late summer harvest that year being one of the last good yields they had from their once flourishing almond orchard. Due to the combined impact of ground water depletion, drought, and extreme heat, the orchard became impossible to maintain.

Rising Concerns and a Rising Climate Movement


When the climate documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” came to theaters in 2006, featuring the former vice president Al Gore delivering a town hall presentation on climate change, I was captivated. The film, and book of the same name, served as a launching pad for Mr. Gore’s Climate Reality Project initiative established that same year. For those unfamiliar, the initiative, which has grown and evolved immensely since it launched, facilitates a free activist training program that empowers proponents of the movement with vital climate data from the world’s leading scientists and academics.


While watching the film, chairman Gore’s powerful words, combined with footage of climate driven catastrophic events on the big screen, resonated with me deeply. Mr. Gore’s advocacy efforts brought the climate crisis into public consciousness and political decision making; emphasizing that we have the solutions to overcome this crisis through renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and policy and legislation. His message speaks to the importance of individual actions, encouraging everyone to make better, more sustainable choices daily, while conveying a consistent sense of hope. Collectively, his climate efforts earned Mr. Gore the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.


Over the next six years in San Diego, I took the time to further educate myself on the climate crisis and sustainable living. I became more aware of political interference stifling climate legislation progress and grew increasingly frustrated with the blasé attitude many locals and government officials had toward environmentalism. This general disregard was apparent throughout Southern California. Basic practices like recycling had yet to be strictly enforced. I was especially dismayed by how much recyclable waste was going into landfills from so many SoCal destinations my family and I frequented over the years. Many theme parks, hotels, venues and special events for live sports, concerts, festivals, and conventions had yet to implement recycling programs until it became mandatory in January 2012.  

Dry Creek, Sonoma Wine Country. Photo by Mina Rios.
Sonoma Wine Country. Photo by Mina Rios.

By mid 2012, my husband’s work brought us back to Northern California. San Diego had been our home for fourteen years, where we experienced some of the best years of our lives. Leaving the coast wasn't easy, but since we also dreamed of one day living in wine country, we seized the moment and embraced the Sonoma region.

Once settled, I learned that the Climate Reality Project was planning an activist training. Since it took time getting re-established in NorCal with my consulting work, the timing of the 2013 Leadership Corps Training in Chicago seemed perfect. When my official invitation to the training arrived, I was overjoyed. I started planning my trip immediately. But the thrill was short-lived. An unexpected set-back changed everything and my trip was over before it started. Though I was devastated, I remained resolute that I would one day partake in climate training.


In January 2017, the follow-up climate documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel” featuring Al Gore came to theaters. The release was a welcome reminder of my climate advocacy ambitions – instantly renewing my motivation.

Paradise Ridge Winery courtyard, Santa Rosa. Photo by Mina Rios. October 8, 2017
Paradise Ridge Winery, Santa Rosa. Photo by Mina Rios. October 8, 2017

But – the Fall 2017 Napa and Sonoma County wildfires imposed a terrifying disruption as I attempted to resume my climate advocacy intentions. On the day the Tubbs fire broke-out, I had just spent the afternoon with a client at Paradise Ridge Winery to discuss a partnership with the winery. We headed to the nearby eatery Sweet Tea’s in Santa Rosa afterward to celebrate future plans. At the end of the day, we learned that both the restaurant and winery we visited hours earlier – completely burned to the ground.


That same night, the Nuns Fire in Sonoma Valley also broke-out, with powerful winds driving the fire west toward Bennett Valley, where I live. As fumes grew unbearable and flames atop Annadel State Park became visible from our home, we made the difficult decision to leave. We were fortunate to stay with family in the South Bay that week, but it was a distressing time not knowing whether we’d have a home to return-to. Thankfully our house and neighborhood were spared.


Just two months later, in December 2017, the Thomas Wildfire started while my daughter and I traveled to SoCal to attend an orientation at Cal State University Channel Islands in Ventura County. We stayed in Los Angeles through the holidays – to visit my son, all while Santa Ana winds fueled multiple fires and the air stayed dense with smoke throughout our trip.

Fairway View Estates, Bennett Valley, Santa Rosa. Photo by Mina Rios. October 2020
Bennett Valley, Santa Rosa. Photo by Mina Rios. October 2020

Since 2017, we have endured four different fire scares near our home in Santa Rosa, the most recent was the Glass Fire in September 2020. Though we’ve been fortunate to avoid fires in our area for the last few years, there’s always a fear of next year. All heatwaves and strong wind events are a concern. Unfortunately moving has not been an option, but the notion crosses my mind. I think about returning to my hometown San Francisco often, and am hopeful this will be possible someday soon. Until then, all we can do is be prepared for the next extreme weather event.


Though the recurring fear of losing your home to fire never gets easy, I now recognize that a dwelling can at least be replaced. My thoughts on wildfires have changed somewhat since my daughter went through an unspeakable ordeal – nearly losing her life on August 21, 2019. Since that dreadful day, when my daughter was hit head-on by a semi-truck, the thought of losing a child has become my biggest fear.


Thankfully my daughter has since fully recovered. But the motorcyclist – who was under the influence while speeding past my daughter – with a semi-truck approaching in the opposite direction, met a horrific end.


No less extraordinary than my daughter’s recovery was her miraculous rescue. As she lied trapped inside her burning car, seriously injured, the only nearby resident on that desolate agricultural road, heard my daughter’s cries. Using a high-powered water hose that he recently purchased – just barely long enough to reach her burning car, he was able to stop the flames from consuming her vehicle before first responders arrived. Hardest to contend with is knowing that my daughter would not have survived, had her rescuer not been there to stop the fire when he did. Once fire fighters arrived, the jaws of life were used to extricate her from her mangled, still smoldering car.


Sharing these details of my daughter’s brush with death is a difficult truth. The lingering thoughts and images that come to mind have not faded. But I share all this because of the triumphant outcome and how this incident lit a fire within, instilling a personal need to be proactive in something larger than myself.

While the emergence of the pandemic in the months following my daughter's recovery were long and arduous, the fragility of life came into perspective. The urgent need to secure a better more sustainable future for both of my grown children – and yours - became a priority.

I believe the pandemic was a wakeup call for humanity. The long lapse in time at home was a window of opportunity for retrospective and change – for setting priorities and considering new possibilities. As I put my priorities in order, I decided to start planning more experiences with loved ones each year and realized there was no time to waste in pursuing my most ambitious personal and professional goals. I then took a closer look at my freelance writing repertoire and decided it was time to venture beyond arts and culture. It was time to fully immerse myself in climate research and become as well-informed on the subject as I could. In depth reading and documentary viewing, and listening to lots of dance music for motivation, helped put my mind in gear and initiate the will to perpetuate change.


Climate Reality Realized


In 2021, I joined the Bay Area Chapter of the Climate Reality Project, which oversees local volunteer membership and outreach. I signed-up for climate leadership training separately through the Climate Reality Project parent organization in Washington D.C.


Above Lake Mead, NV. Photo by Mina Rios. June 10, 2022
Above Lake Mead, NV. Photo by Mina Rios. June 10, 2022

My time had come at last. From June 11-13, 2022, I attended the 49th Climate Reality Leadership Corps Training in Las Vegas with the former vice president Al Gore leading the event. While on approach from the sky, the severe drought-stricken Lake Mead, just 25 miles outside the city – was an alarming sight; yet it helped prepare my mind ahead of the climate discussions to come.

All three-days of training took place at the sustainably designed and operated Aria Resort & Casino. Inside the Ironwood Ballroom of the Aria Convention Center West Wing, attendees from across the country were seated at tables of 10, among peers from their common region.


Climate training commenced with multiple speakers from the Climate Reality Project parent organization and a guest speaker/artist representing the local indigenous Nuwu – the Southern Paiute peoples.

Former vice president Al Gore. Climate Reality Project leadership corps training, Las Vegas, NV. Photo by Mina Rios. June 2022
Former vice president Al Gore. Climate Reality Project leadership corps training, Las Vegas, NV. Photo by Mina Rios. June 2022

After waiting so long to attend this training, it was a surreal moment when the former vice president entered the room. Chairman Gore extended an enthusiastic welcome with sincere gratitude to the 500 people attending. Witnessing the ease of his presentation delivery in-person was well worth the effort in getting there. As he presided over each day of training, Mr. Gore spoke frankly about the facts and voiced his concerns with resounding conviction on the many issues that still fall short of progress. Often humorous, and delightful when sharing personal anecdotes, the chairman was also mindful of reminding the audience that positivity exists through the solutions and voices we have.   

Climate Reality Project leadership corps training, Las Vegas, NV. Photo by Mina Rios. June 2022
Climate Reality Project leadership corps training, Las Vegas, NV. Photo by Mina Rios. June 2022

Surprising to learn, was how energy efficient Las Vegas had become. The city’s strict water conservation efforts, 100% renewable energy sources, and investment in alternative transportation has made Las Vegas a model city in the green building infrastructure movement.


Actor Tim Guinee, a trained climate leader and the president of Climate Action Now, was particularly effective in getting attendees to download the Climate Action Now phone app and start using it immediately, while he spoke. The app enables users to easily add their name and take climate action quickly. Climate issues are researched, and compelling messages are drafted for you – to send to political and business leaders by phone or email. Personally, I found the app to be an invaluable tool, and I hope to encourage others to use it – daily. Please visit the site link above.


Designer/entrepreneur Jonathan Scott served as Master of Ceremonies on June 12, charming the audience and inserting light humor in-between heavy topics introduced by different speakers.

Climate Reality Project banner at leadership corps training, Las Vegas. Photo by Mina Rios. June 2022
Climate Reality Project banner at leadership corps training, Las Vegas. Photo by Mina Rios. June 2022

Climate advocacy training provides the framework of an array of skill sets and offers examples of how to build awareness, shape public opinion, inspire action, confront challenges, and effectively pressure policymakers. By the end of training, attendees feel empowered by the knowledge they acquire and the tools and resources they gain access to.


Networking opportunities are also plentiful before and after each day of training thanks to the organized efforts of Climate Reality mentors and regional team leaders on-hand to ensure attendees are aware of mixers and meet-ups. Connecting with fellow change-makers from the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Orange County was a major highlight during my training experience and a wonderful way to develop allies for future climate efforts. From the diverse group I met, many were already active in their communities while some, like myself, were at the beginning of their climate advocacy efforts.

Bandshell in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios. July 2022
Bandshell in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios. July 2022

Since becoming a trained climate leader/advocate by chairman Gore, I have been eager to help drive sweeping necessary change. I couldn’t wait to get started with the Climate Reality Project – Bay Area chapter (CRBA). In July 2022, I attended a climate advocacy meet-up at the Golden Gate Park bandshell – near the California Academy of Sciences. Various local climate action groups were present, Climate Reality Bay Area among them. It was a great event for meeting more chapter members and seeing familiar faces from the Las Vegas training.

Members of the Climate Reality Project Bay Area chapter. Bandshell in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios. July 2022
Members of the Climate Reality Project Bay Area chapter. Bandshell in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios. July 2022

In the weeks that followed, I actively teleconferenced with various chapter groups – learning about their group efforts and needs – and sharing my personal interests and skill sets – to find common ground for my involvement. Bay Area chapter groups I teleconferenced with included the Local Policy action squad involved in electrification efforts in Marin and Sonoma County, the Climate Justice team on coalition efforts in SF Bay Area shoreline contamination and cleanup, and the Communications team in charge of social media, newsletter, website, blog, and podcast efforts for CRBA.


Chapter needs and personal interests led to my joining the Communications Team efforts in October 2022, where I contributed to social media posts, helped increase subscriber numbers on the CRBA LinkedIn page, and became a contributing writer for the CRBA blog page.

Bandshell at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios. July 2022
Bandshell at Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Photo by Mina Rios. July 2022

 Something important to note about expectations following climate training; within the first year of training, climate leaders are expected to perform “10 Acts of Leadership” through any of the following actions:

·       Giving a presentation

·       Writing a blog

·       Writing an op-ed or letter to the editor

·       Organizing a climate action campaign

·       Meeting with local leaders


Within my first year of climate training, my “10 Acts of Leadership” were fulfilled by contributing 10 blogs to the CRBA website by June 2023. Having the opportunity to demonstrate my writing aptitude in climate content creation was both rewarding and validating, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I also look forward to contributing to the CRBA chapter blog page further.


Climate advocacy deals with constant change. Responsibilities entail keeping up with the latest climate news, the climate movement, and the various overlapping sectors of society tied to climate issues. To stay current, I participated in a second leadership training offered virtually in April 2023. Though virtual training was initially offered out of necessity during the pandemic, it has become an option for convenience and reducing one’s carbon/ecological footprint. As expected, my personal experience with the virtual Power Up Training – From Acts to Action – led by chairman Al Gore was extremely positive and I will definitely participate again.


The Climate Emergency. Merging Arts & Culture with Climate Advocacy.

Water pollution
Pollution in our waterways

These are unpredictable times. Business as usual is an illusion. We're in a climate emergency. The heavens have sounded the alarm and the vulnerability of our infrastructure to climate disasters - our roads, bridges, homes, businesses, and institutions puts everything we find dear and depend on for survival, convenience, and enjoyment at risk. Everything. And recovery takes years.

Current data shows that global emissions have not improved. And 2023 was the first full year the earth's surface air temperatures exceeded pre-industrial levels (above the 1.5 C threshold); an anomaly that could lead us into uncharted territory in the coming months (by August) if temperatures don't stabilize, according to an April 2024 article from The Guardian; a trusted source. While we have the option to ignore claims like this, instinct tells us the right response is to consider such predictions are possible.

Despite how many urgent climate issues there are deserving of immediate attention, the unanimous global consensus remains that decarbonization is the priority because global emissions have the most dire effects on our environment, driving us closer to an irreversible juncture. Greenhouse gas emissions must be rapidly reduced every year, now through the next decade, not years from now. We cannot rely on the hope of changing how big oil operates. The fossil fuel industry, which also supplies the plastics industry, uses projectiles to stall plans for decarbonization, meanwhile no immediate measures are in place to reduce emissions currently. Since everyone doesn't have EV transportation yet, our best hope for rapid emission reduction is intermittent fossil fuel abstinence, the subject of the first Op-Ed that will be submitted to a daily news source in June.

Writing about the arts and culture community since 2007 for a variety of media outlets has been humbling; and contributing to the Climate Reality Bay Area chapter blog page was a great way to begin climate content creation and learn about local climate efforts. These experiences helped steer me toward the idea of creating a new climate project/initiative supported by communications outlets that combine arts, culture, and climate subjects. By integrating climate advocacy into the arts and culture business framework of my consultancy, I could champion sustainability within the creative sector and help instill within public consciousness that artistic expression, in all its forms, has the capacity to connect, enlighten, heal, and inspire change; profound rewards that benefit humanity and can help further the climate movement.

In 2023, I launched the Mina CommUnity Climate Initiative which serves two functions:

  1. To Inform through various media (eNewsletter, blog/column, Op-Ed's, and more)

  2. To Assert Action through a Creative Climate Project/Campaign 

Mina CommUnity logo

The mission is to inform and assert action through climate art inspiration, climate movement progress, and sustainable living solutions for positive reinforcement. 


The initiative has two climate news outlets launched in 2023:

·      April 2023: Arts | Culture | Climate eNewsletter – The MiNAPRESS Advocate

·      December 2023: The Mina CommUnity Climate Column – Climate News Simplified

As I continue to learn more about other climate groups, I've observed that many are using scare tactics and doom and gloom to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis. This prompted my curiosity to research whether these approaches are effective. From my findings, one comprehensive study in behavioral science research confirmed my suspicion, that climate change doom and gloom is indeed highly ineffective in influencing people to act. While I understandable why doom and gloom is popular - given the many roadblocks standing in the way of legislative progress, I believe there are suitable settings and instances for its use; such as artistic expression; trusted science and news outlets (including this one); and government, industry, and academic forums. But for shaping public opinion, a more constructive approach would be more effective. To combat the biggest challenge of our lifetime, we must think bigger. Steering society toward a sustainable future during a climate emergency calls for consistent, strategic messaging that speaks to all walks of life.

Turning a blind eye to climate change
Turning a blind eye to climate change has major consequences.

Embracing the Creative Climate Movement

The arts bring meaning to our daily lives, the emotions it evokes, the comfort it provides, the perspective and value it brings to our existence is all important. Just imagine for a moment if artistic expression were to diminish in your community as a result of infrastructure damage and life loss from natural disasters. You don't have to imagine it. It's already happening. Community shattering climate disasters are increasing before our eyes worldwide and extreme weather events in areas that previously never experienced tornadoes, floods, and other unusual events like deep freezes, as in Texas in 2021, will continue and worsen if inaction persists.

We are living a defining moment. Plans for the future in every sector of society must take climate change into account and do everything within its means to make smarter and more sustainable choices.

The world is filled with creative genius. And we have the ability to demonstrate our greatest creative potential. But the window of opportunity for driving widespread sustainable lifestyle change through strategic messaging, education, and arts inspiration is closing. We must act, before it's too late.

If you haven’t already heard, climate inspired arts projects and initiatives have been emerging across the globe for some time, amplifying the Creative Climate Movement. A movement comprised of impassioned creatives driven by their art, deeply concerned about the climate emergency. Here are some of the world’s most influential Creative Climate Movement groups helping to drive change:    

·       Arts and Climate Initiative – theater concentration – founded in 2008 in NY, NY

·       Center for Media and Social Impact – multimedia concentration – since 2001, DC

·       Climate Creativity – visual arts concentration – founded in 2020 in Oslo, Norway 

·       Creatives for Climate – global network of creatives – since 2019, Amsterdam

·       Earth Percent – music industry charity co-founded by Brian Eno – NY, NY

·       Julie’s Bicycle – arts & culture concentration – founded in 2007 in the UK

·       The Climate Connection - British Council arts and culture program – since 2021

·       The Climate Museum – founded in 2014 in New York, NY

·       The Revelator – an initiative of the Center for Biological Diversity


Drawing inspiration from these incredible Creative Climate groups, Mina Communications has a vision with global intentions that begins with inviting artists and arts groups, climate groups, and sustainable businesses from around the Bay Area and state of California to form an Advisory Committee for a highly ambitious Creative Climate Project/Campaign. We are seeking visionary thinkers and dedicated stakeholders passionate about the arts and the future of our planet. Following initial discussions, a Fiscal Receiver will be established to ensure financial supporters of the project will receive a tax deduction for contributions.

Within the Creative Climate Project/Campaign, there are three areas of focus.

The first endeavor is to create two strategic climate messaging campaigns targeting the Arts Sector and the General Population. Creative development and execution of the campaign targeting the public would be turned around expeditiously for commercial launch.

The two remaining endeavors of the Creative Climate Project are partially inspired by the Live Aid and Comic-Relief USA charity benefits of the 80s. When Live Aid creator Bob Geldof began his crusade to fight famine in Africa, he started by collaborating with Midge Ure of Ultravox to co-write the music lyrics to, “Do They Know It’s Christmas,” famously performed by the supergroup Band Aid. Following the incredible success of the song, the Live Aid concerts in London and Philadelphia were broadcasted worldwide.

truth - music is life

In light of the power of music, the second Creative Climate Project endeavor is a Climate Music Lyric pilot project - calling for experienced and emerging lyricists to write music lyrics that address the urgency of the climate crisis. After music lyric submissions are chosen, music artists would be selected to compose the song(s) with the accompanying lyrics. Music production and distribution proceedings would follow.

The third, and most ambitious endeavor within the project is the plan to produce the first of its kind Creative Climate Festival of events. The inaugural festival would take place in San Francisco with other destination cities across the state, such as Los Angeles and San Diego, to follow. With the various statewide collaborations involved in the Climate Music Lyric pilot project and Creative Climate Festival(s), a Creative Climate Alliance would be formed to help expand the project/campaign to a national and global level over time. Event forethoughts include:

·       Park settings

·       Multiple performance stages

·       Renewable energy operations

·       Climate inspired comedy presented by a host/mc

·       Celebrity environmentalist guest speakers

·       Live music, climate inspired dance and theater performance

·       Climate art – on display and created live

·       Climate art children’s activities

·       Sustainable artisanal food and drink

·       Education booths on electrification, green building, zero waste, sustainable gardening, upcycling, ecology, biodiversity, and more

The prospect of possibility provides hope for this massive undertaking. Only through collaboration can we succeed. Let’s put our minds together and begin the discussion. Join the Creative Climate Advisory Committee. We look forward to your inquiries.


Mina Communications is pleased to share that on May 17, 2024, a proposal for the Creative Climate Project was submitted for review to the California Arts Council and members of the Creative Economic Workgroup; made-up of state officials, arts educators, and economic experts. Results and progress will be shared as information becomes available.


Mina Community Climate Initiative Backstory

Positive Reinforcements for April/May 2024

Climate Art Inspiration |Climate Movement Progress | Practical Solutions

Flying chairs
Musical chairs

The Climate Museum in New York City is the first museum in the U.S. dedicated to climate change. Programs are presented at short-term exhibition spaces and public spaces citywide. A permanent, year-round space is currently being explored.


In 2021, the Climate Museum launched Climate Art for Congress – the first creative project of its kind, for children in grades K – 12, combining art, science, writing, and civics to empower youth with a toolkit for addressing officials with their climate crisis concerns. See what messages children had for Congress and the Senate, sent on behalf of the Climate Museum. Visit the online Gallery.


More Climate Art INSPIRATION Visit the Artists for Climate Initiative collection featuring open-license climate art – a resource and tool for activists, grassroots organizations, nonprofits, and citizens to use in their climate awareness campaigns.


Urban garden
Urban garden
Climate Movement PROGRESS

CiviCorps in West Oakland has been transforming lives and landscapes since 1983. Formerly known as the East Bay Conservation Corps., CiviCorps is the only program in the East Bay offering paid job training in conservation, land management and recycling careers for youth ages 18-26. 


If you or someone you know are interested, start by filling out an Interest Form. Step two – attend a hiring day at Civicorps and learn about job opportunities in conservation or recycling and other optional education and training programs. Step three – start the following Monday. Read some inspiring success stories. For questions – call or text Recruitment and Relations Manager at 510.753.3461.


Clean energy turbines
Clean energy turbines
Practical Climate SOLUTIONS

San Francisco Bay Area residents – switch to Clean Energy NOW!


If you’re already a PG&E subscriber, the transition to a clean energy provider is easy. Simply select the clean energy link source below that serves your area and change your PG&E service by completing a brief online form. Note: Must have PG&E account number to switch. PG&E remains the account facilitator while the clean energy source in your area becomes your provider. 


MCE - serving Contra Costa | Marin | Napa | Solano Counties

Sonoma Clean Power – serving Sonoma and Mendocino counties


COMING SOON in 2024 

Climate News Supplements from the Mina CommUnity Climate Initiative

·      A Climate Factsheet & Action Sheet will be available for download on the Advocacy and MinaCommUnity web pages. New content will be posted quarterly w/the most critical climate facts and sustainable living solutions. Projected release: June 2024

·       Op-Eds – opinion editorials opposite the Letter to the Editor will be submitted for publication periodically. The first Op-Ed topic will be on fossil fuel abstinence, a proven solution to rapidly reducing carbon emissions. Projected release: June 2024


The Daily news stock photo
The Daily news

Thank you for your readership. Please share comments.

The Mina CommUnity Climate Column and Initiative logo

"To combat the biggest challenge of our lifetime, we must think bigger." Mina Rios

Mina Community Climate Initiative Backstory

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